Resources for Teachers

Planning Taking Too Long?

Discover how I planned a month of French lessons in less than 3 hours... and how you can speed up your own planning too!

This free workbook and training will show you how I planned a month of lessons quickly. When you learn how to simplify your planning, you'll have more time to better support your students.

The Intentional Teaching Program

An online program designed to help language teachers streamline their planning, assessment and classroom systems so that they can feel prepared and present at school and work less in the evenings and on weekends.


Virtual and in person professional development workshops available on simplified assessment, practical classroom systems and routines, and supporting teacher wellness.

I love to share teaching strategies and mindset shifts to help teachers enjoy their work, streamline their teaching and make a difference in the lives of their students. While my speciality is helping French and second language teachers, my workshops can still support all K-12 teachers.

Want to learn more about how I can support you or the teachers you work with?