Spending all evening prepping for school... yet you still have a stack of grading piling up on your desk?

Do you feel stuck in the day to day planning cycle.... and wish you had more time to spend on yourself or with your family?

Get Organized, Ditch the Stress (+ your endless teacher to do list) and Get Your Evenings and Weekends Back

Sign Me Up!

Maybe this sounds familiar- Do you...

Want to make the most of your prep times, but...

By the time you actually get one... you're too exhausted to actually get any work done... so you end up scrolling your phone?

Have a pile of grading that seems impossible to get to?

And then it ends up making planning harder... You meant to hand back an assignment before moving on, but it's not done yet, so you have to scramble to come up with something else. And the worst part? When your students ask Èwhen are we getting our project back??"

Feel stuck planning day to day?

Maybe you'd like to have a clear direction in where you want to go, but you can't get to that because you're not ready for tomorrow yet.

And if you're honest...

Maybe you might want to spend more time with your kids, your partner or start a family... actually go to that physio appointment... but there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

If you resonate with any of these...

I get it! I've been there.

Implement the systems that saved me 15 hours a week

When I got pregnant (and very nauseous) for the first time in 2016, I was hit with the realization that I simply couldn't keep working for hours every evening and weekend to get ready for school. I wanted to be able to spend time with my future child AND be a good teacher... but I had no idea how other people did it.

And it makes sense right? Teachers college is all about students, not about how to actually make it a sustainable career.

After lots of learning and some trial and error, I realized what was missing: SYSTEMS.

As a mom, I left school each day at 3:45 or 4pm - effectively spending 15 hours LESS a week on school work... and still maintained strong relationships with my students. I realized that SYSTEMS were the most effective way to get my work done at school while still being a great teacher.

What would 15 more hours a week mean for you?

And I'm not the only one...

"When I first started I was stressed, tired all the time, spending too much time at work and really just not enjoying teaching as much as I used to.

Once I was able to pinpoint some of the things that were taking me a long time I was able to create systems and routines to make a lot of them more fluid and significantly less time consuming. I’ve also learned to become much more efficient with my time and my preps which in turn makes sure that I am completing my work faster and it is taking a lot less energy. I’m also able to leave work earlier than before, generally around an hour, which allows me to go home, unwind and spend time doing the things that I love without having to stress about being planned enough for the next day.

Lauren has this way of explaining things that gets you excited about some of the most mundane things. The strategies, suggestions and ideas that are given to you are really effective and easy to apply. It’s also so helpful that it’s done in a group format where everyone shares their thoughts, ideas and stories. ...

In short, this program is a game changer and I’m so glad I decided to take the leap." 



The Intentional Teaching Program

What would it mean for you to be able to close your computer at 4pm... and not open (or think about it) it again until tomorrow?

To be planned in advance?

To know that your photocopies are sitting on your desk ready for the class tomorrow?

How would it affect the way you show up for your students? What would it mean for your family? For you?

What it ISN'T

Long hours of boring, impractical PD when you have lots of other school stuff to work on

The same ideas you've heard over and over

Strategies from academia created by people who aren't actually teachers

What IS The Intentional Teaching Framework?

The Intentional Teaching Framework is designed to help teachers thrive in 40 hour work weeks. When you can get your teaching priorities done in 40 hour work weeks, you can thrive at school and with your own family too.

It's a combination of tested teaching systems, neuroscience, mindset shifts and research-backed behaviour change strategies that are tailored to you so you can get organized and work fewer hours outside of school, even if you're not "naturally organized" or if you're teaching a new grade level.

You'll still be able to foster strong relationships with your students, make the difference you want to make AND have a life outside of teaching.

Systems Specifically for Teachers

The Intentional Teaching Framework is based first and foremost on systems built for and by teachers. You'll get systems to support you on your prep times (like the Simplified Planning System) but also to help your classroom run more smoothly (like the Paperwork Pathway and Domino Routines).

Implementation Focused

The program is designed to help you balance your "Learn Do Ratio" through mindset shifts and research backed strategies in neuroscience and habit formation, all tailored to you. Learning and taking notes is great, but we want you actually feeling the difference in your day to day life at school!

My name is Lauren, and I’m an arrive-5-minutes-before-the-bell kind of teacher.

I’ll admit it: I used to avoid the office so my admin wouldn’t see me arrive at the same time as my students. When other teachers would chat in the staff room about arriving 45 minutes + before school that morning, I would quietly keep my mouth shut.

Frankly, I didn’t want to arrive that early. I wanted to get enough sleep and I wanted to be able to drop my kid without stressing at daycare!

But I also didn’t want to work hours after school either… I had spent hours every evening and weekend on my teaching before I had kids, but there was no way I wanted to work that long once I had my own family. 

I wanted to create systems that would allow me to be a prepared, organized and present teacher with my students, but still leave by 4pm.

I’ve tested tons of different systems to simplify my planning, grading and all the other many little tasks that pop up during a school day done during prep and after school hours. They allowed me to roll in with my students because my lessons were all completely prepped, and they allowed me to plan a month's worth of lessons in less than 3 hours.

Those systems have been refined and tested by teachers just like you over the last 2 years so I know they’ll work for you too!

My name is Lauren McLoughlin (though I’ve always gone by Lauren Monique so my students couldn’t find me online). I’m the founder of the Intentional Teaching program to help teachers thrive in 40 hour work weeks. 

I’m going to teach you how to apply it to your own teaching practice too, regardless if your students are in grade 1 or grade 11… and even if you don’t consider yourself to be a naturally organized teacher.

Teacher Learning Outcomes

In 7 Days

Learn how to prioritize your tasks so you know what to work on first every single day (you'll get your most important work done).

In 14 Days

Learn how to spend 10 minutes on Monday to save 1 hr+ each week using the Intentional Ten and use your prep time productively.

In 4 Weeks

Learn how to apply the Simplified Planning System so that you can plan further in advance and cut down on planning time.

In 8 Weeks

Set up your first classroom routines and systems like Domino Routines and the Paperwork Pathway that can help you keep your desk organized, get your students involved and get you your energy back.

In 3 Months

Set up your assessment systems to cut down on grading time and simplify report card writing.

“I've noticed results in terms of my energy levels. I've changed my structures and routines so that I'm able to use my time more wisely, cross things off my to-do list and ultimately help keep my energy levels up without feeling burnt out like before. 

There is nothing to lose, just gain! Whether it's reflecting on your practice, working on limiting beliefs, working with Lauren in one-on-one settings or in a small group with other educators, I found there was always either a new insight, perspective, mindset, theory or strategy to learn, think about or implement into my practice every week!”




Start here! These concepts are the pillars of the course and are proven strategies to help you leave your work at school.


Learn what you need to make the most of your precious prep times as well as how to minimize distractions.


Here you'll learn how to implement each of the 3 Simplified Planning Pillars. You'll also discover planning tools and long term planning strategies to get you planning faster.


In this module you'll discover strategies and tools to complete your assessments faster. Speeding up your report card writing will be added soon!


Get your day running smoothly with intentional routines and systems that work for you and your students... that you can keep up throughout the year. The right routines will help you feel more energized and can empower your students too.


Ever tried a new routine you learned at a workshop, only to forget about it a few weeks later? One of the biggest pieces missing in our educator PD is mindset work for teachers. This module will help you actually implement what you’re learning so that it sticks.


Classroom Management Bonus Module - Working Independently

You can have all the great intentions and motivation in the world, but if your students are challenging you all day, you’ll lose steam… fast!

So that you can have your students work with you instead of making your day harder, the program also includes a bonus Working Independently workshop to help you facilitate new systems and routines during school hours.

Classroom Management Bonus Module - The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model

That will help you with 70% of your class, but we often have students who need more.

The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model will help you balance your students’ needs with clear boundaries so you have less challenging behaviours overall, and a plan in place for when they do happen.

3 Bonus Live Group Coaching Calls: Domino Routines, Planning and Grading

This is what sets this PD program apart.

You'll not only get access to the course content and tools that you can implement at your own pace, you'll also get 3 bonus Live Group mentoring calls to get the guidance and support you need from Lauren and your community.

Ask questions, get direction in what would be most helpful for you... and the biggest game changer: uncover your blind spots you didn't even know were there that are keeping you from accomplishing your goals.

So what's the program really like?

Stephanie, French Immersion teacher (Grades 5-6) Michael, French Immersion teacher (Grades 8-10)

Julia, Core French teacher (Middle/High) Rebecca, French Immersion teacher (Grades 2-3)

Registration closes in...


Investment Options


If you attend 3 group coaching calls, implement the strategies in the program and you don’t save 5 hours or more a week, you will get a full refund on your investment.

Instalment Option

2 Payments

  • Intentional Teaching Course: Everything you need to streamline your planning, grading and classroom systems so you can thrive in 35-40 hour work weeks. From routines, to prep times, to setting loving boundaries, to planning, grading and report cards, we've got you covered!
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module - The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model
  • Bonus Routines Group Coaching Call: Set up your Domino Routines and Classroom Systems
  • Bonus Planning Group Coaching Call: Follow the Simplified Planning System to plan ahead- quickly!
  • Bonus Grading Group Coaching Call: Set up the right processes to cut your grading time down and simplify your report card writing.

Your Investment:

2 Payments of $225 CAD

One Time Investment

Save over $50 CAD

  • Intentional Teaching Course: Everything you need to streamline your planning, grading and classroom systems so you can thrive in 35-40 hour work weeks. From routines, to prep times, to setting loving boundaries, to planning, grading and report cards, we've got you covered!
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module - The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model
  • Bonus Routines Group Coaching Call: Set up your Domino Routines and Classroom Systems
  • Bonus Planning Group Coaching Call: Follow the Simplified Planning System to plan ahead- quickly!
  • Bonus Grading Group Coaching Call: Set up the right processes to cut your grading time down and simplify your report card writing.

Your One Time Investment:

$397 CAD (save over $50)

Mason, French Immersion teacher (Grade 6) Kathleen, Orthopédagogue (M à 8)

Jaime, French Immersion (Grades 4-8) Vincent, French Immersion teacher (Grades 6-7)

Want to see if it's the right fit for you? Book a 15 minute call here!


Can my district cover the cost of this program?

While it's not guaranteed, many teachers have had their schools, districts or unions provide funding for the program. There is an additional module within the course to help you with your application.

Can I register in a few months instead?

I'm honestly not sure at this moment how long the program will continue running for! I'm currently evolving my programs and I can't say for sure how long this will be available for. If you're interested, I would recommend registering now.

I don't teach middle grades. Is this still applicable for me?

I know that just because we're in one grade this year, doesn't mean we'll be in the same one next year... or in 5 years! I want you to invest in principles that will work regardless of the grade level you teach. We will provide examples and support for primary through grade 12 so that you can use these principles throughout your career.

What if this doesn't work for me?

After working with dozens of teachers, I'm so confident that it will work for you that I'm offering a guarantee: If you attend 2 1:1 calls, implement the strategies in the program and you don’t save 5 hours or more a week, you will get a full refund on your investment.

Investment Options


If you attend 3 bonus group coaching calls, implement the strategies in the program and you don’t save 5 hours or more a week, you will get a full refund on your investment.

Instalment Option

2 Payments

  • Intentional Teaching Course: Everything you need to streamline your planning, grading and classroom systems so you can thrive in 35-40 hour work weeks. From routines, to prep times, to setting loving boundaries, to planning, grading and report cards, we've got you covered!
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module - The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model
  • Bonus Routines Group Coaching Call: Set up your Domino Routines and Classroom Systems
  • Bonus Planning Group Coaching Call: Follow the Simplified Planning System to plan ahead- quickly!
  • Bonus Grading Group Coaching Call: Set up the right processes to cut your grading time down and simplify your report card writing.

Your Investment:

2 Payments of $225 CAD

One Time Investment

Save over $50 CAD

  • Intentional Teaching Course: Everything you need to streamline your planning, grading and classroom systems so you can thrive in 35-40 hour work weeks. From routines, to prep times, to setting loving boundaries, to planning, grading and report cards, we've got you covered!
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module
  • Classroom Management Bonus Module - The Challenging Behaviours Interventions Model
  • Bonus Routines Group Coaching Call: Set up your Domino Routines and Classroom Systems
  • Bonus Planning Group Coaching Call: Follow the Simplified Planning System to plan ahead- quickly!
  • Bonus Grading Group Coaching Call: Set up the right processes to cut your grading time down and simplify your report card writing.

Your One Time Investment:

$397 CAD (save over $50)

Let's get you feeling organized and ready for school so you can make a difference, enjoy your students and your life outside of school...

and get back to why you became a teacher in the first place.